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Sunday, May 9, 2010

To My Son.....

"What did my hands do before they held this child? What did I think about, worry about, dream about? What things touched my heart before I saw this child's smile, before I heard this child's cry, before I felt this incredible bond? Who was I before I became this child's mother? Somehow, now, I can't remember."

It was this day last year when we told the world (your family) that we were expecting you. You were such a surprise and I was a little worried about your timing but I also instantly knew that you were meant to be. I knew you were a boy from the day I found out I was pregnant with you and I knew I would love you. What I could not have known, however, was just how deep that love would be. From the moment you were placed in my arms I was overwhelmed with love for you. I have treasured everyday with you as I learn more about you and your personality and as I watch you learn more about me and Daddy and the world around you. Your smile is the greatest thing I have ever seen and your laugh is the greatest thing I have ever heard. I have never been a patient person, but with you my patience seem limitless. When I look at you all I can think is that I want to protect you, surround you with love, comfort, happiness, laughter. That I want to preserve your innocence and give you the best life possible. That I never want you to have fear, pain, embarrassment, or discomfort. I want you to know that when life inevitably presents these challenges that I will be here for you. I want to hold you close but I also want you to explore and feel free. I want you to see the amazing and wonderful things the world has to offer. To look for the good in people and discover the awe of the human spirit. I want you to always know how much you are loved. I want you to know what a wonderful daddy you have. He surpasses all others in love, patience, understanding, and humor. He is my home and you have completed that home. I love you baby boy with all that I am. Thank you husband for making me a mother. Thank you God for my beautiful son.

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