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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Emily and Jameson's Wedding.....

Emily and I have been friends for nearly fifteen years. We have truly grown up together and have been a part of almost every major life event in one another's life. Our personal paths and life timelines have been a little different and have made it so that I have not been able to spend as much time with her in the past years (or even on her wedding day) as I would have liked. Families, babies, work, and other life responsibilities as we have grown up have eaten into our time together. Long gone feel the days of poolside girl talks, country road car rides, and long lazy lunches. Our lives have moved in new and exciting directions but ones with more restraint. I love my life and my boys but I can't help but grieve a little over the loss of girlhood fun which Emily was so much a part of. I know as our lives continue to advance and unfold that we will be there for one another because that is just the kind of friends we are...lifelong. We will learn to cherish the small amounts of time together with more appreciation and will anxiously await more life events that continue to shape us. As we experience more weddings, anniversaries, milestone birthdays, and the birth of our children, I know we will grow closer and our bond will only strengthen despite our length of time apart.
Emily I love you dearly and you have always been the best of friends to me. You are constantly reliable, dependable, and selfless. You go out of your way to be kind and helpful and you do your best to make everyone feel at ease. I am beyond happy for you as you have joined lives with whom I feel is an answer to a longtime prayer of mine. I always felt so blessed to have a wonderful man in my life and I always wanted the same for you. God has answered that prayer with Jameson. I immediately loved him and he effortlessly blended in with all of us. I am so happy for you and so honored to call you my friend. With much love, Happy Wedding Day!

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